Follow these steps to create your own playlist

Select, add, or swap songs on your music player with ease.

  • Step 1: Know your cards

    Each card in your package will feature a unique number.

  • Step 2: Add songs to your player

    Connect player (GEN-2 version) to computer via USB-C. Copy songs (.mp3 format) to player's folder, ensuring songs don't exceed available cards.

  • Step 3: Rename songs (.mp3 files)

    To have a card plays an assigned .mp3 file, ensure the file follows this rule:

    [Card Number] [SongName].mp3

    Example: 0001 Cruel Summer.mp3

    Note: there must be a SPACE between the card number and the song name.


Do the cards and players come with preloaded music?

No, you have the freedom to choose the songs for your players and determine which cards trigger them. The package includes a sample card with short preloaded music for demonstration.

Can I have my chosen music preloaded if I'm gifting the player, and what's the cost for this service?

Absolutely! Purchase the preloading service. Afterward, you'll get a link to upload your desired (.mp3) songs. Our customer service team will handle the rest, ensuring your chosen music is loaded onto the player, ready to play upon package receipt.

How many songs can I add to my player?

The Radio design offers 16 GB storage, and the TV design provides 8 GB. Ensure the number of .mp3 files matches the cards you have; for instance, with 10 cards, limit songs to 10. Follow the naming rule:

[Card Number] [SongName].mp3

Example: 0001 Cruel Summer.mp3.

Remember to include a SPACE between the card number and the song name.

Tip: Some customers combine all songs of an album into one .mp3 file and trigger it with a designed card. You have the flexibility to design your playlist as you prefer.

I purchased a music player before Gen-2 launch. Can I add or replace its songs?

If your player doesn't have GEN-2 engraved on the back, song changes aren't possible. As a gesture of gratitude, we offer a 20% discount on your future order for Gen-2 players. This applies to both TV and Radio designs. Complete the form below with your previous order ID to get the discount code.

I own a Gen-2 music player; can I buy more cards inspired by different artists?

Absolutely! You can purchase extra cards to expand your Gen-2 music player's song variety.

However, if you have a Gen-1 player (lacking "GEN-2" engraving on the back), song changes aren't possible. Nevertheless, we appreciate your loyalty and offer a 20% discount on your Gen-2 player order. This discount applies to both TV and Radio designs. Fill out the form below with your previous order ID to receive the discount code.

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